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Get Involved

Skills Workshops

Workshops from the Student Light team -
Free and online subject to availability

We organise workshops in a range of different skillset from web coding, digital design and digital marketing to community building, live streaming and podcasting. Our workshops are open to all students, with priority spaces for student community leaders, partners and Student Light contributors.

Become a Contributor

Contributor Investment Scheme -
Get paid when profit is made

We strive to have students informing, building and leading in every aspect of Student Light as much as possible, but we're not in the position to pay all our contributors yet. So, while we're building, we're asking you to invest your time into Student Light and in turn we'll track those contributions and pay you when we launch.


We offer paid 6 week internships -
For current students & recent grads

So far we've had interns in roles such as Digital Marketing, Graphic Design and Web Development and are looking to take on some in HR and Business Law soon.

Sign up to our newsletter so you don't miss an opportunity.

Become a Director

We're searching for company directors -
Join the journey and shape it's future

This is only for the committed individuals who believe in the Student Light vision and mission. We've dedicated years worth of hard work, sacrafice and energy to a cause that we truly believe in and has already made a difference. If you too want to make an impact and feel like you have the skills to lead Student Light to reach it's full potential, then this might be for you.